Have any plans to travel this summer? Make sure you take some time to gather your essential oils and take them with you. Traveling is one of those times when I am so grateful to have essential oils. Earlier this summer we drove down to Southern Utah and went river rafting for four days on the San Juan River, what a great trip.
Here are some more suggestions for which oils to use while traveling this summer:
Staying Alert: Peppermint, any of the citrus oils, Frankincense
Keep Kids Calm: Lavender, any of the citrus oils and Bergamot
Happy Parents: Lemon and Ylang Ylang
Occasional Car Sickness: Peppermint, Ginger, Cardamom
Happy traveling!
Just a side note about traveling. I just saw a news story on www.ksl.com, about traveling with trailers and the importance of making sure you put the pin in and that the chains are properly attached. A woman lost her husband and child in a tragic accident involving a trailer that came unhooked. Please be careful and double check everything before you head out.
I love the onguard and peppermint beadlets...so convenient! #oils4everyone