Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Emotional Grounding with Sandalwood

Have you ever smelled something that brings instant peace to your heart and mind and makes you feel completely grounded?  This is what happens to me every time I smell Sandalwood Essential Oil.  It's really quite remarkable.  I've never smelled another oil that affects me quite this way.

Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years and has a wide variety of applications.  It has been used for calming and can help soothe emotions during stressful and worrisome times.  It can also be used to help with respiratory issues, coughs, a raspy voice and throats.  Try combining Sandalwood with Geranium and Eucalyptus for respiratory relief.

More Uses for Sandalwood:
Calming (great to use while meditating)
Immune strength
Skin care
Stress relief (apply to bones behind your ears, on wrists, inhale, bottom of feet)
Dry throat
Respiratory relief

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